Monday, August 25, 2014

Family Picture and Show n' tell

Parents, don't forget to send in a family picture tomorrow (8/26) to display on our Pre-K Families wall. Please try to keep it around a 4x6 size picture. Also, we have a show n' tell day on Friday. I will be sending home a baggie with a name tag on it. Please allow your child to choose 1 of their favorite toys that will fit inside the bag. Please be mindful that fighting/weapon toys are not permitted.


Well I have finally had the chance to sit down and get our classroom blog in order. Thank you all for being so patient while this site was "under construction". I would like to take this time and welcome all the students and their families to our Pre-k classroom. We have many fun things lined up for the school year and I can't wait to get started. The children have really made a great adjustment into our classroom setting, rules, and routines. We have been working hard on getting to know our classroom, the materials in our classroom, and how to use them and clean them up properly. The children really have been doing an excellent job with each of those tasks. With that said, I will be using this blog as one way of communicating what we do in our classroom. I like to give an overview of what we have been learning about throughout the week either by posting a comment or picture(s) on our site. I hope that all of you enjoy our blog page and become followers. Not only will I be posting what we have been doing in the classroom, but this is also a way for me to send out reminders. I will do my best to place all upcoming reminders and events on our page for you to see. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please feel free to contact me at (912)876-0773 or by email